In this audiograph, I interview Afro-Colombian singer La Burgos, Alegres Ambulancias de San Basilio de Palenque. She tells me about her family traditions, the funeral of her mother, the iconic Colombian cantadora and tamborera from the Batata dynasty, Graciela Salgado Valdés who passed away in 2013.

Nighthawk: The Tale of a Flightless Mosquito. A short movie inspired by the bilingual children book by Kike Calvo.

In a science paper called Delaying the onset of Alzheimer disease: Bilingualism as a form of cognitive reserve the authors presented there strong evidence to suggest that older adults who maintain an active lifestyle in terms of social, mental, and physical engagement are protected to some degree against the onset of dementia.

The Cave: Dare to Venture into her Mind

Discover the Origin of Halloween in this new video

The Unexpected, a creepy Halloween short movie

Selection of the Best Spooky & Creepy Halloween Songs! Perfect background music for any scary celebration.

In this episode we learn about El Sanjuanero Tolimense, often called simply Sanjuanero It is a traditional Colombian bambuco song.It’s one of Colombia’s most recognizable folkloric songs, and it is the anthem of the Festival Folclórico y Reinado Nacional del Bambuco.

Last weekend, a Queensland ecotourism pioneer died at age 70. It was John Rumney. Yes, the same John that made my dream posible. John was born in the United States, but life took him to Port Douglas (Australia) where he became not only a tourism operator and conservationist, but a true inspiration to many.

Los Mejores Libros para Emprendedores

Recopilación de libros que todo creativo y emprendedor deberían leer al menos una vez. He creado una lista incluyendo autores cuyas formas de escribir cambiaron mi forma de ver el emprendimiento, la inversión y las finanzas. Una lista que me atrevería a decir que es imperdible para todo creativo que quiere ver crecer su negocio.